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单色画「从线起头」(From Line)的系列作品,是艺术家李禹焕(Lee Ufan)在笔触、留白至反复举動的冥想论证,對付回归天然、绘画根基元素与东方禅思的分解,如艺术家為作品的注解:「寂静的回响」般使人玩味。若為室第回归至「寂静」之美,将空間設計降至最低限,讓天然质地發声,演绎有機质料经拆解重组後的直观体验。最低限度的线、形构图,以素净色采与肌理质感,回归至纯朴无华的简约基调,為空間写下天然寂静的“约略性子”美學观点。

▼简约纯朴的室內大众空間全景,overall view of the interior public space with a rustic and simple tone

空間理性 | Rationality

如李禹焕所言:「程度轴所表达的意象,就是无穷延长的虚空。」在空間利用大量线性比例,随中岛线形灯具分列延长至块面的墙体魄屏,From Line画作线条轉化為实木与金属,重叠出空間的理性延长构图。在细节处,以金属、冲孔板组合成的线性灯具,则如漂泊般,随开放的家俬舒展出无界线的空間;嵌于墙体的木条,為端面雕凿独占倒角与纹理,细腻的律動升沉,精巧成一幅會呼吸的有機平面。


▼厨房与起居室,室內采纳中性色调高雄借錢, ,共同石材和橡木质地板等,缔造一個有条理的空間,kitchen and living room, using the neutral color tones, stones and oak floor system to create an interior space with simple and elegant spatial layers

▼起居室,living room

▼从中岛看起居室,living room view from the kitchen island

▼起居室電视墙细节,柜面利用矿石漆、灰白色调手感漆料,基座利用石材,details of the television wall, using the mineral colored paint on the large cabinet and grayish white paint, as well as stone for the base

▼从起外送茶,居室看中岛与餐厅,中岛上方利用金属和冲孔板组合成的线形灯具,kitchen island and dining room with the linear lamps made from punching metal plates viewing from the living room

▼餐厅细节,置入一座原石桌脚,反响天然,details of the dining room, inserting granite legs for the kitchen island, reflecting the theme of “Back to nature”

空間感知 | Sensibility

将空間纯化去色,保有木、石质材的原貌,应用中性色调如大面柜体的矿石漆、灰白色调手感漆料与手刷木纹背墙,同花岗岩原石、電视墙基座石材和分歧水區的橡木质地板,為空間敷彩出淡雅纯朴的量体条理。精良地為中岛妆点置入一座原石桌脚,反响天然媒材最直接的应证赋题,感性地轉达「back to nature」主题。

▼室第主卧,利用手刷木纹背墙,连结木料质的原貌,master room, using hand-painted wooden pattern walls to keep the original appearance of wood

▼主音波拉皮,卧写字台细节,details of the desk area in the master bedroom


▼进口细节,details of the entrance

▼橱柜细节,details of the cabinet
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查看完整版本: “从线开始”住宅室內設計,台灣